Prof. Bambang Setiaji

Rektor Univ Muhammadiyah Surakarta

More About Me...

Lahir di Pacitan, 24 Desember 1956 dari pasangan ibu bernama Tentrem dan ayah bernama Harsono (alm) seorang guru dan Kepala Sekolah SD Tulakan Pacitan. Kakek juga seorang guru dan kepala sekolah dengan gaya pendidikan warisan pemerintahan kolonial yang khas.

Assalamu' alaikum..

Selamat datang di website ini. Blog ini berisi gagsan kami yg dipublikasi di koran, buku, dan bahan kuliah. Web ini dibuat oleh keponakan saya Bukhori, saya ucapkan terima kasih atas bantuannya. Selamat menjelajah!

A concept to enhance Islamic BANK OF SYIRKAH

Market economy nowadays has gained more significant role in Muslim countries. This economy does not meet the Islamic values which demand more egalitarian economy. Bank is public need, where all society need it, and often to bear if it fail. In case of the bank ownership, Islam favors to share ownership with more people, or handled by state as the representation of ummah. This purpose is suitable with community bank which is developed not only based on merely business but beyond that lead to help each other and hopefully give spritual satisfaction.

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different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent